Friday 26 August 2022

How to Beating the Pregnancy Belly Fat?

 This is a subject that is VERY close to home for us - we have a 1 year old and a 3 year old, so we KNOW just how exciting a time it can be to have kids, and keeping control of your weight is the last thing you need to be worried about! By the way - if you think I'm only talking about the ladies here when I say "Pregnancy belly fat" - I'm not! I'm talking about that sympathy pregnancy belly fat too!! The fact is, especially when it's your first baby, it's a stressful time - in fact, I'm surprised you have time to read this article...

How to Beating the Pregnancy Belly Fat?

But I'm glad you are reading this - I want to share a few things that I have learned over the last four years that will help with your stress level... Before that, I should say that I am NOT a doctor, but we have just been through this ourselves, and we've beaten our share of pregnancy belly fat - if you have health concerns, listen to your doctor, but nothing here should contradict what they are telling you.

First - pregnancy belly fat is all part of the game! So stop beating yourself up about it! No matter how much other people have told you before pregnancy, nothing can really prepare you for the experience. It's an emotional time, as well as a very tiring time - nobody gets enough sleep and then there's all the preparations to worry about, decorating the nursery, getting to check ups, is the bag packed, and so on. This is not the time to add "beat the belly fat" to your personal to-do list! Just enjoy the new parenting experience as much as you can - weight loss can wait!

Second - stop trying to manage your diet! Sure, especially for the new mothers, you need to make sure that you are getting enough nutrients and vitamins, but just listen to your body. So what if it demands a few extra calories every hour or so for a while? - Your body really does know best at this time and a little extra belly fat (and thigh fat and arm fat lol) is all part of the process.

Third - and this is one that I WISH someone had told us before the event - your body does not magically snap back into shape after the baby arrives!! You've just been carrying an extra 8-12 lbs person around for the last nine months and things take a little while to adjust - no matter HOW flat your stomach was beforehand, that bump is not going to disappear overnight. Again - don't sweat it, just listen to your body and give yourself a chance to recover. You're going to have enough to deal with from lack of sleep and the new regime that your baby WILL impose on your life. Now is not the time to start running 5 miles a day!

Fourth - so the baby's here, NOW it must be time to get back to normal right? Wrong! This is a little different for everyone, but again, I have to advise listening to your body! Having a baby is a pretty brutal experience for your body - especially as a lot of people are having them later and later in life - so give yourself a chance to recover. And if you are planning to have your kids close together (as we did, although some people go even closer!) then you might want to just shelve weight loss altogether and concentrate on just surviving for a couple of years! That might sound a bit strong, but I have to say - I don't need a lot of sleep anyway, but having two young kids is relentless - even now they wake up with the sun, and four years of 5-6am starts can get wearing, even once they do sleep through the night.

Finally - the babies are sleeping through the night, nursing is down to a manageable schedule or even finished with and you are starting to feel more human and equipped to face exercise again. At this point, it is very tempting - especially if you were particularly fit beforehand - to launch into a brutal exercise and diet regime. My advice? - Don't do it! You've just been through a traumatic couple of years (in a good way, hopefully, but still traumatic) and you haven't exercised regularly in a while. You are probably heartily sick of carrying that pregnancy belly fat - that's both of you - men get the sympathy belly fat too! - but setting yourself up for failure is not the answer.

Start slowly - a little gentle exercise for 10-20 minutes a day a few times per week can work miracles. But set yourself up for success - don't commit to a 5am run every day and then quit on day 3 - that will just make you feel even worse about yourself. We have a yoga DVD that we work out to - it's a 90 minute DVD and we've only ever made it to 18 minutes so far, but even that 18 minutes is starting to make a big difference. The main thing is that you start to restructure your lifestyle to become the healthy you and then the pregnancy belly fat will become a thing of the past very quickly.

One of the best ways to go about this is to follow a program that has been laid out for you. There are many out there on the internet and elsewhere, but one that I am very excited about is called Strip That Fat - this is a program that can be followed at any level, no matter how fit or unfit you are to start with or how much weight you want to lose, and, because it is a "lifestyle" program, you will be able to keep the weight off long term as well.

Bottom line? Enjoy being pregnant, enjoy your new baby and, when the time is right, enjoy getting back into shape and beating that pregnancy belly fat - and a program like Strip That Fat can only help!

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Thursday 25 August 2022

How to Exercises to Lose Belly Fat ?

 If you're like most of us, you've got some extra fat around your middle... maybe even enough to look pregnant when you're not or to have that dreaded beer belly. Maintaining weight around your middle is actually the most harmful for your health because all of that fat is squeezing in on your organs, keeping them from being able to function properly.

How to Exercises to Lose Belly Fat ?

So how do you go about getting rid of that belly fat? OK, eating less will help and you should cut out the junk food, but you absolutely have to add some exercise into your day. And since your stomach is the area of most concern, some exercises are better than others. Here are 3 things you can do that will start working on that big belly problem.

1. Go For A Swim - Swimming is an exercise that people tend to overlook probably because we all just played in the pool when we were kids so we don't take it seriously. You don't have to be a Michael Phelps but swimming is a great way to tone your belly area as well as your leg and arm muscles.

And while you're in the pool, why not try some aqua aerobics for a little variety. This is one of the most recommended forms of exercises for seniors and obese people because the buoyancy of the water protects your joints from the pain that walking might cause. But you don't have to be old or obese to benefit from these exercises.

2. Jump On A Trampoline - If you happen to have bought an outside trampoline for your kids, don't be afraid to get up there and get your own workout. But the easiest way for adults to benefit is with a mini trampoline. You can park it in front of the TV and jump while watching the News or your favorite sitcom. Or if 30 minutes at a time just isn't possible, leave it out and jump a couple minutes every time you walk by or during the TV commercials throughout the evening.

Don't limit yourself to just jumping... get your arms involved and also do some side bends or any exercise that targets your middle that you can do while gently bouncing on the trampoline. Of course, you may have to fight your kids for time on the mini trampoline but be sure you get your share of jumping time. Your waist will love it!

3. Take A Hike (Or Just A Walk) - Walking is the #1 recommended exercise for those just starting to exercise, such as obese people or heart patients. It is by far the simplest (no skills to learn), cheapest (just a good pair of walking shoes) and most flexible way (you can do it anywhere and any time of the day) to get your body moving and your heart rate up.

While walking around the neighborhood or around a track is good, adding some incline to your walking will do wonders for you. If you have a hilly area to walk in, add that into the mix. If you have a treadmill or have access to one, you can get your incline that way. And if the occasion presents itself, a hike in the woods over up and down terrain would add some variety.

Basically, getting rid of belly fat involves two things - eating less and more healthy, and getting your body moving on a regular basis so that you build muscles and burn more fat. Choose a way that works for you... but don't be afraid to change it up periodically. In fact, change is good because it keeps your body from getting bored with a predictable routine.

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·         What is health and its importance?

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Tuesday 23 August 2022

Health Fitness Tips That Help You Stay in Shape

 One of the biggest competitions of today is staying fit. It seems like people nowadays want to lose weight instantly as if there is no tomorrow or it is as if it is a passport for the general population. Losing weight and staying fit is never easy. Following health fitness tips requires a lot of behavioral changes to be able to attain the desired fitness. With modern technology and medications, weight loss treatments have sprouted everywhere like grass and weeds in a garden. Due to its high demand, statistics show that up to 40 to 50 billion US dollars are spent annually for weight loss alone. Together with unproven medications containing dangerous components, health fitness tips have also swarmed the Internet, for determined followers to turn to. They either have to take in the pill or follow a lenient lifestyle modification.

Health Fitness Tips That Help You Stay in Shape

The main factors that help one lose weight are diet and lifestyle. Diet, more than anything, dictates the shape of one's figure. With today's rampant fast food chains, food may just be as sinful as it can be. Some simple tips on diet may help with a few instructions. What ought to be eliminated initially on one's diet is red meat. Red meat is hard to resist as they come in different displays such as mouth-watering burgers and the like but risks of certain health conditions are linked to consumption of red meat. Since red meat is high in purine, daily consumption of red meat can lead to gout. Red meat is also high on fats, which may eventually help in faulty weight gain. Instead, eat fish meat, chicken or turkey meat. Health Fitness tips also recommends eating baked, grilled, broiled or boiled foods instead of fried ones. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables are also in the list of Health Fitness tips. Only be sure that the dressing is not high on caloric count otherwise, the healthy green is pointless.

Health fitness tips also point to lifestyle modification. Diet always come hand in hand with exercise to obtain maximum effect of fitness. Exercise comes in a very broad range personalized for different body mass indexes but the main point in exercise is to slowly increase the workload as time progresses. Health fitness tip number one on exercise is to stretch first before the workout. Strenuous exercise can produce too much lactic acid in the muscles, which will then cause muscular pains. Another health fitness tip on exercise is to prevent doing the same exercise over and over. Eventually, when the body adjusts to the activity, it is recommended to increase or change the exercise regimen to explore different ways of maximizing body potential.

Health fitness tips also recommend that vices should be stopped. Smoking predisposes one to vascular conditions such as arteriosclerosis and heart diseases. Alcohol consumption need not be eliminated but should be limited to 30 jiggers a day only. Alcohol still has health benefits such as vasodilation. These are just some of what Health fitness tips recommend.

There are tons of health fitness tips but diet and lifestyle modification are the basic steps to a healthy lifestyle and fitness.

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