Wednesday 25 May 2022

What is the best way to lose fat and become fit?

 Eat a low carb high protein diet and exercise with both cardio and resistance training.

I lost 137 pounds over the last 20 months. After research on the subject I found and still find these principles to be the best:

What is the best way to lose fat and become fit?

(1) Right portion sizes, focus on nutritious foods that work the metabolism.

I made sure my carbs were complex carbs --- whole wheat, oats, NO enriched flours or processed sweeteners.

(2) Resistance exercises --- started with 10 lb dumbbells and worked my way up. I work out twice a week on the weights --- I do 3-4 months weights then 3-4 months bodyweight only exercises alternating. Challenge the body, but don't destroy it.

(3) Cardiovascular exercise 4-5 times per week, 30 min. minimum per session. Get those lungs and legs working. Make sure heart rate is 140 and above --- as much as possible. It's a goal to work toward.

(4) Find out what fit people your age and gender can do and set goals (long and short term) to meet those goals. Always be thinking a week - a month - 3 months and 12 months down the road. The goals keep me on track. Don't let goals be met without having new ones you are excited about.

(5) Again, Right portion sizes are the key! It's hard to get the idea. Really, after 20 months I'm still having to accept that my old portion sizes and eating habits are lethal. I'm still learning healthy ways to think about food intake.

Participate in an aerobic exercise. (Such as cycling or spinning) this type of work out utilizes your muscle while working your heart at the same time and burns a lot of calories in the beginning.

The best way to lose fat is to fast on juices.

When I want to lose unwanted fat, I fast on juices for a week or ten days.

Your digestive system shuts down for a few days and you can drink as much fresh squeezed juice (fruits and veggies) as you want.

It will be a drag the first day or two then you will have so much energy, your body will feed off of the stored fat in your body.

In ten days you should lose about ten to fifteen pounds.

· Run stairs.

· Go to bed hungry. Turn off that TV and the stupid renting of movies. Raise your arms in the air and say: I can move! I can walk! I can ride a bike! I can lift a weight. I can do a pushup etc. Quit going out to eat. Learn to love being hungry! Throw away all the junk food! Eat smart. And then quit worrying about losing muscle.

It is the fat and the worthless expensive delicious food that we have become addicted to that is the key to our demise.

But this is not a guarantee that you will surely lose weight but not muscle. It will take hard work to do this.

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Thursday 19 May 2022

How does social media affect your mental health?

 "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." it goes perfectly with the amateur usage of social media especially in the 21st century. We take social media for granted and do whatever we want which comes biting back later.

How does social media affect your mental health?

Social media has brought about new opportunities and avenues for the world to connect at large. With social media, the world has become a smaller place. On one hand, it is a great invention, and a lot can be done to better our lifestyles. But if we look at it with thousands of immature users it is becoming a somewhat scary place to live in.

There is a reason why most parents or older siblings try to keep the young ones away from social media handles these days. From being a platform to connect or share worldviews it has narrowed down to bring a platform to boost and troll. That is sad given that we can do so much with social media, it is sad to see how low to stoop.

Today kids of ages 10 have the access and accounts on social handles; it can turn into over addiction and an escape to a fantasy world. This fantasy world that we create behind the 15-inch laptop screen might be a scary affair. The fit models with perfect bodies, exotic travel locations, and photo-perfect moments most often don't match with the lives we lead on a daily basis. This disconnect might want us to aspire for more which might not be possible in reality and can affect our mental health.

The thrust for more followers or likes has a dangerous effect on our mental health. You start feeling anxious, a lack of identity, less sleep causing insomnia, a negative body image can be some of the significant issues that a social media addict might, face. You make yourself as desirable as the models you see around you, you keep adding filters and edit your pictures to look 'perfect, and your sense of self is lost. You want to become someone you are not. You start hating yourself for not having the ideal body, the perfect shape, so on and so forth.

Researchers across the globe have found that the "fear of missing out" created across all popular social feeds can substantially lower self-esteem and fuel issues like anxiety and depression among individuals.

Cyberbullying is also heavily linked to the constant need to prove oneself better than the others on social media.

On a large scale, not only teenagers but people nowadays take the social platform too literally and believe in a lot of fake news of hoax that is being circulated just for publicity purposes. People today are falling for dangerous trends that they see on social media or think it is cool to be a part of. The trend of being a part of a social group is what is causing more harm than good.

You have to understand you being social has nothing to do with the number of friends or followers you have on social media. It can all be a farce, just by seeing another peer having many followers you cannot be jealous and want that life. Don't let social media be a drug that is so addictive that you cannot live without.

All of these leads to identify threats that take place due to the sharing of too much personal information on the net unnecessarily. You can also see a rise in hate speech and social disgust across social media accounts which is completely uncalled for. The most disgusting thing that is coming up a lot in the 21st century is cyberstalking. It can be too dangerous and is even taking lives. Immature usage of social platform has to stop and stop now.

After using social media handles many people decide to keep themselves away from it as there is no or very minimal privacy with the extensive use of social platforms. If not handled sensibly your life becomes a window to the world. A subject of discussion.

We as a world lack smart users. We either take everything for granted, or we take things too literally. Having said all of this it does not mean that social media is all that bad with only negatives. Of course, not, there are plenty of benefits of social media. It keeps us connected across vast distances, let's us find our school buddies and long lost colleagues. If your motive is to stay connect or share an opinion about life and other stuff but if social site is your source of news or emotional upliftment it is undoubtedly a bad idea.

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·         Health And Fitness Tips

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·         What is health and its importance?

Saturday 14 May 2022

What are the health benefits of turmeric?

 Some of the health benefits of turmeric have been known for thousands of years. It was and still is a staple of Ayurvedic medicine. But, some of the turmeric health benefits have only recently been discovered by modern scientists.

What are the health benefits of turmeric?

Here's a look at the short and long-term health benefits of turmeric.

Digestive Problems & Infections

Some of the plant's earliest uses were to treat digestive problems and infections. It was used to reduce bruising, scarring and prevent infection in external injuries. Scientific evaluation of these turmeric health benefits have shown that a compound within it, called curcumin, does, in fact, have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity.

As far as the turmeric health benefits for digestion go, researchers haven't spent too much time looking at that. It is said to reduce gas and bloating, when included with a meal.

Cancer Prevention

These are the health benefits of turmeric that have been of most interest to modern scientists. Many plant compounds, as well as common vitamins like A, C and E, have been shown to have some effect on cancer cells in the laboratory.

Curcumin is one of the ones that cause the death of cancer cells, without having any negative effect on healthy cells.

Others like it include green tea and resveratrol, although resveratrol in high quantities does have a negative affect on some cells, including the heart.

To date, researchers have looked at the turmeric health benefits in pancreatic, colon, prostate, breast, cervical, liver and many other types of cancer. Clinical trials are currently ongoing to see what benefit, if any, there is for those that have been diagnosed with the disease.

But, there is a general consensus that including plant compounds of this type in your daily date may significantly reduce your cancer risk.

Type II Diabetes Prevention and Treatment

This is a new area of study. In Ayurvedic medicine, the health benefits of turmeric were not used to treat or help prevent diabetes. They used bitter melon and gymnema sylvestre, among other things.

The recent studies indicate that curcumin may protect the brain and organs from damage by glucose.

It may decrease glucose production in the liver and increase insulin production. The reason that this benefit was not recognized by Ayurvedic practitioners is likely because curcumin has low bioavailability when eaten.

It is quickly degraded by stomach acid. An enteric coating prevents that degradation. Effective supplements have that type of coating.

Arthritis & Other Inflammatory Diseases

Chronic inflammation plays a role in many diseases, including cancer and heart disease. The pain caused by inflammation and damage done to the joints by inflammatory molecules can be reduced with natural anti-inflammatories. They are much safer and more effective than anti-inflammatory drugs. Green tea and resveratrol also have anti-inflammatory activity. You can get the turmeric health benefits and those found in other plant extracts, with specially formulated, multi-nutritional supplements. Remember that many of the health benefits of turmeric require that the compound gets to your bloodstream.

An enteric coating is a must.

If you would like to read more about a hightly effective nutritional supplement with an enteric coating that provides all the benefits of Turmeric [] with no fewer than 76 other ingredients blended together to provide you with optimum health, why not go to my website now to find out more.

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Thursday 12 May 2022

What is the healthiest food we can eat?

 Are you one of the millions of people who need to make some changes to your daily diet? So many of us rush through out days, busy with careers, families and other demands and grab food to fight off hunger pangs without taking time to think through smarter, healthier food choices. Instead, we run to garages or grab something from a coffee shop without a second thought to whether we are nourishing our bodies or just filling up on calories. If you've realized it's time to make some serious changes in your diet, good for you! As you revise your food choices, keep in mind the following foods - they are some of the healthiest food choices you can make.

What is the healthiest food we can eat?

Fruits and Vegetables - the more we learn about fruits and vegetables, the more we realize the important nutritional benefits they provide to our bodies. Filled with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and antibiotic properties, certain fruits and vegetables pack such a nutritional wallop they are considered by experts to be the healthiest foods available. Make a daily habit of including these in your diet:

* Bananas - Bananas release their energy slowly into our bodies, helping us stay satisfied longer. They are loaded with potassium to help regulate blood pressure and prevent and relieve cramping muscles. What you may not realize about bananas is they also contain the amino acid tryptophan, which relaxes us. Bananas also provide fibre, which helps regulate our digestive system and keeps things moving smoothly through our intestines.

* Kiwi Fruit - another great source of potassium. These tiny fruits with the fuzzy peel are also filled with antioxidants and high in vitamin C. The Kiwi fruit is one of the most nutritious fruits we can eat.

* Broccoli - Your mother was right- eat your broccoli! Broccoli is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fibre. It is associated with strong anti-cancer properties and improves our mood and our skin.

* Tomatoes - Tomatoes are rich in lycopene -which is a powerful antioxidant, blasting away the free radicals that damage our health and skin. While most vegetables lose some of their nutrients when they are cooked, the lycopene in tomatoes is actually increased during the cooking process.

Proteins - proteins are important for our bodies energy supply and many people get their protein supply from meat. There are non-meat protein sources, which can help avoid the cholesterol associated with red meat protein sources and these include:

* Almonds- In addition to being a great protein source, almonds are filled with bone-builders like calcium, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus. Fibre and Vitamin E contribute to the nutritional punch of these powerful little nuts.

* Beans - Beans are rich in complex carbohydrates, which provide long lasting energy to the body. They are protein rich and loaded with folic acid, copper, zinc, potassium and manganese. Adding beans to your daily diet can help lower your cholesterol by over 25 percent.

These food choices, when added to your daily diet plan, can help to raise nutrient levels in your body and as a result help keep you healthy, energetic and filled with vitality.

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Tuesday 10 May 2022

How do I stay fit as I get older?

 As we age our bodies change. Our body begins to show signs of wear and tear. No matter how advanced medical technology becomes, people will always have to deal with the side effects of aging. The good news is that there are things you can do to help your body stay healthy as you get older. Through many different lifestyle choices and healthy habits you can make sure that you are as healthy as possible as your body ages.

How do I stay fit as I get older?

Preventative Care

One of the most important things for you to do is get routine check ups and preventative care. This includes getting a regular physical, dental checkups, eye exams and any special tests your doctor may recommend.

If you have a family history for a specific health problem then you need to stay on top of that. Get screenings and checks often so that should you develop a condition, you will catch it earlier.

Healthy Lifestyle Habits

There are some things that you may do that are clearly bad for your health. As you age it is more difficult for your body to handle these bad habits. Also the damage you have done to your body with bad habits in the past may catch up with you.

It is never too early to start making healthy lifestyle habits. This includes things like:

- Stop smoking

- Drink alcohol in moderation or not at all

- Avoid dangerous activities

- Practice safe sex

- Socialize and build lasting friendships

- Minimize stress

Some of the things on this list are bad for your health and others will actually help improve your health. For example, the dangers of smoking are widely known. Quitting can help increase your life span and help lower your risk for diseases in the future. Socializing is important because having good relationships is good for your mental health. People who are happy tend to live longer lives. By making good lifestyle choices you can do a lot of good for your health.


Exercise is essential to keeping your body healthy. As you age your muscles weaken. By exercising you can help keep your muscles strong and prevent muscle loss. Remember that your heart is a muscle. By doing cardio exercise you can help keep your heart healthy. You should exercise at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes minimum. Make sure your exercise routine includes cardio and strength training. As you get older you should also work on flexibility for the joints.


What you eat can have a great effect on your body. As you get older your metabolism will slow down, so your body will not be burning as many calories as it once did. If you make no change in your eating habits then you will gain weight.

Not only does your diet effect weight, but your diet also determines the vitamins and minerals that your body gets. You should be eating a well balanced diet that is low in fats and sugars.

Making healthy choices and living a healthy lifestyle is your best defense against aging. You cannot stop the aging process, but you can help make it less harsh on your body. All it takes is being more proactive about your health and you can often prevent many age related health conditions or at least make them something you can manage.

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